Thursday, September 27, 2007

Install Windows XP

Installing Dell Poweredge Windows XP

1. Install Dell OEM Windows XP in a partition.
Time zone, internet connection settings do not matter.
Installation approximate 30 minutes.

2. Install Network Driver.
My Computer->Hardware->Install Driver for Network.
Insert Dell System Support Bootable CD (light green).
Auto find and Install.
Do not need re-start.

3. Install Sound Driver.
Insert Audigy2 Installation and Application CD.
Select English or Chinese, both applications.
Full installation (don't try configured installation).
Test sound drive installed. Check all holes #3 from the left.

4. Install Display Driver.
Go to ATI website, select support and driver.
Windows XP, Radeon, 9500, driver only, download.
Install the driver.
The resolution should change now.

5. Install Windows XP updates.
Windows update from start->menu.
First batch of 4 updates, reboot.
Second batch of 32 updates (long time), reboot.
Third batch of SP2 (very long time), reboot.
Fourth batch of 40 updates, reboot.
Install IE7 from microsoft, reboot.
Install IE updates (two), reboot.
Install WMP 11 from WMP udpate, reboot.
Install WMP updates (three).

6 Install Softwares.
6.0. Anti Virus software (MacAFee), scan, reboot.
6.1. Acrobat Reader 8.
6.2. WinRar.
6.3. google pingyin (better than ziguang).
6.4. Realplayer, iTunes, PPS, Storm, etc.
6.5. Flashget, Xunlei, Bitcomet, amule, filezilla, etc.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Upgrade from xp to vista, you do not need to worry about the drivers. The network will continue work directly after the update (keeping old name/passwd). In addition, the vista update will automatically download the sound/video card driver, so the computer is good to go after several reboots on the vista updates.