Monday, January 26, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Interesting Proability Question
Just got an interesting probability question:
Suppose n points spread out in a 2D surface. Let's say the coordinates of those points are (x_i, y_i), i=1, 2, ..., n. Denote x_L, x_U the 25% and 75% quantile for (x_1, ..., x_n), and y_L, y_U the 25% and 75% quantile for (y_1, ..., y_n). p is the proportional of points lie in the small rectangle [x_L, y_L] *[x_U, y_U], then what is the range of p? (Assuming n is large)
It seems to me that if x and y are independent, then p is 1/4; but if x and y are perfectly correlated, say x=y, then p is 1/2. My guess is that 1/4 <= p <= 1/2, but anyone can verify this?
Suppose n points spread out in a 2D surface. Let's say the coordinates of those points are (x_i, y_i), i=1, 2, ..., n. Denote x_L, x_U the 25% and 75% quantile for (x_1, ..., x_n), and y_L, y_U the 25% and 75% quantile for (y_1, ..., y_n). p is the proportional of points lie in the small rectangle [x_L, y_L] *[x_U, y_U], then what is the range of p? (Assuming n is large)
It seems to me that if x and y are independent, then p is 1/4; but if x and y are perfectly correlated, say x=y, then p is 1/2. My guess is that 1/4 <= p <= 1/2, but anyone can verify this?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
一进去先被解释了一通scientology的基本逻辑,类似于潜意识不过它们用另外一个词。整套逻辑挺违心的,不过我也算是自由,什么思想有道理就接受,听完之后还是觉得挺有趣的。大概就是类似星座那种感觉,闲着无聊的时候听听挺有意思的,不过绝对不会说怎么严肃地从那个角度思考问题。聊到这里的时候,我还蛮有好感的;之后就说到那个性格测试的结果。僻如我的depress指数比较高,天那,我这么乐天的人还depress,就算是潜意识depress,那世界上那么多人怎么活?还有些指标很有意思:unstable dispersed,nervous,irresponsible,critical,lack of accord,withdrawn,certainty和aggressive;当然有得解释不是通常意义下的那个字面意思,僻如irresponsible表明平时比较少自己initiate一些事情一直做到底,倒还是蛮有道理的。不知道为啥critical是负面的,正面叫做correct estimation,我想学science的还会有人不critical么?事后我才恍然大悟,大概scientology不太喜欢critical的人,而希望大家都correct认为它的理论正确吧。说实话,单纯从一个娱乐版心理测试来看,还是很有意思的,至少我也觉得自己比较内向需要加强交流什么的,不过到后来的交谈就有些变味了。不知不觉中,对方开始向我sell它们的communication class,我感觉到其中的猫腻,开始小心了起来。谈到最后自然是我不吃那一套,对方表示无奈,开始有些不耐烦,大概是浪费了一个小时在我这种人身上:直接让我开始还有些的好感荡然无存。
回家google了一下,才发现这是一个非常有争议的话题。虽然我觉得里面有些哲学思想很有意思,正如wiki上说:Scientologists believe that the primary purpose of existence is survival, and that people are actually immortal spiritual beings who have forgotten their true nature; by learning to understand the world, they believe they can achieve salvation. 不过我也算是无神论者,这东西听听可以,要我信上这一套太有难度了。更让我吃惊的是它们出了名的对负面新闻的处理方式:BBC记者John Sweeney 07年说了一些苛刻的话,之后一直被此组织跟踪骚扰,太恐怖了,这和邪教组织有啥区别!哪有存在不许别人说坏话的?!真是庆幸今天没有掉进这个坑。
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