Wednesday, December 23, 2009


名字个拗口,不知是台式还是川味,原来只是牛肉面上泼些辣椒酱 -.-!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



in reference to:

"“我告诉你说啊,你爱写啥写啥,我不管着,不过你给我记住一点,别写政治” “知道知道,您是一朝被蛇咬 十年怕井绳的路数” “你少给我不当回事儿,你看看这都什么时代了,谁还用井绳,你看着像井绳的那些个,都是蛇。”"
- (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

windows 7 favorite link grey out


  1. 打开注册表(这个地球人都知道了吧:开始->regedit->回车)。
  2. 找到hkey_classes_root/lnkfile,这里首字母是L的小写不是123的1。
  3. 在相应目录下添加一个string的key,名字就叫IsShortcut。
  4. 注销重新登录,或者重启。


Sunday, December 6, 2009

囧:原来UP是based on true story啊

看图,著名钉子户Edith Macefield的房子。Yelp上说地址是:1748 NW 46th St & 15th Ave Seattle, WA 98107,可惜我在Google Map的street view上没有找到。

Friday, December 4, 2009




in reference to:
- (view on Google Sidewiki)



Tip: google calendar显示农历


登陆google calendar,选择setting,在那个general的tab下面找一个叫做alternative calendar的下拉菜单,选择中国日历,简体或者繁体,保存。然后你的日历就会变成这个样子:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009



in reference to:

"遥想当年,我炎黄子孙被叫做东亚病夫。可那时,概览我中华上下,也委实积贫积弱。 再看此时,我中华武术被称为花拳绣腿。但当下,纵观我武坛内外,还的确乏善可陈。"
- (view on Google Sidewiki)

Simpson's Paradox on WSJ

Interesting article. Copied Andrew's comments here:

Simpson's Paradox not always such a paradox

By Andrew Gelman on December 3, 2009 9:10 AM | 3 Comments

I'm on an email list of media experts for the American Statistical Association: from time to time a reporter contacts the ASA, and their questions are forwarded to us. Last week we got a question from Cari Tuna about the following pattern she had noticed:

Measured by unemployment, the answer appears to be no, or at least not yet. The jobless rate was 10.2% in October, compared with a peak of 10.8% in November and December of 1982.

But viewed another way, the current recession looks worse, not better. The unemployment rate among college graduates is higher than during the 1980s recession. Ditto for workers with some college, high-school graduates and high-school dropouts.

So how can the overall unemployment rate be lower today but higher among each group?

Several of us sent in answers. Call us media chasers or educators of the populace; whatever. Luckily I wasn't the only one to respond: I sent in a pretty lame example that I'd recalled from an old statistics textbook; whereas Xiao-Li Meng, Jeff Witmer, and others sent in more up-to-date items that Ms. Tuna had the good sense to use in her article.

There's something about this whole story that bothers me, though, and that is the implication that the within-group comparisons are real and the aggregate is misleading. As Tuna puts it:

The Simpson's Paradox in unemployment rates by education level is but the latest example. At a glance, the unemployment rate suggests that U.S. workers are faring better in this recession than during the recession of the early 1980s. But workers at each education level are worse off . . .

This discussion follows several examples where, as the experts put it, "The aggregate number really is meaningless. . . . You can't just look at the overall rate. . . ."

Here's the problem. Education categories now do not represent the same slices of the population that they did in 1976. A larger proportion of the population are college graduates (as is noted in the linked news article), and thus the comparison of college grads (or any other education category) from 1982 to the college grads today is not quite an apples-to-apples comparison. Being a college grad today is less exclusive than it was back then.

In this sense, the unemployment example is different in a key way from the other Simpson's paradox examples in the news article. In those other examples, the within-group comparison is clean, while the aggregate comparison is misleading. In the unemployment example, it's the aggregate that has a cleaner interpretation, while the within-group comparisons are a bit of a mess.

As a statistician and statistical educator, I think we have to be very careful about implying that the complicated analysis is always better. In this example, the complicated analysis can mislead! It's still good to know about Simpson's paradox, to understand how the within-group and aggregate comparisons can differ--but I think it's highly misleading in this case to imply that the aggregate comparison is wrong in some way. It's more of a problem of groups changing their meaning over time.

in reference to:

"When Combined Data Reveal the Flaw of Averages In a Statistical Anomaly Dubbed Simpson's Paradox, Aggregated Numbers Obscure Trends in Job Market, Medicine and Baseball"
- (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cool way to create bokeh

with floating hearts :)

in reference to: DIY - Create your own Bokeh | (view on Google Sidewiki)

Bokeh is an adaptation from a a Japanese word meaning blur. In photography this term is used to describe the quality of the areas in the picture which are not in focus.

When referring to Bokeh, we can distinguish some of it characteristics:

- Is the light/dark gradient smooth or sharp?

- What shape will a small dot of light take what it is in the Bokeh area? (mirror lenses for example, create a bagel like Bokeh)

We can play with those two variants to create a special Bokeh.

You will need :

1. Cut and shape the sheet to make a fake lens hood. The Diameter is made so that it snugly fits on the lens.

DIY Bokeh 01

2. In the middle of the filter the wanted bokeh shape is cut out - in out example a heart is used. I’m not sure how big a hole the shape can be. But you can check it right away by just looking through the viewfinder. On the 50mm lens @ F1.8 a 15mm heart gives a metering value equal to F3.2, so it can probably be a little bigger (you can use a puncher or cut it by hand).

3. Set your camera to its lowest aperture value (completely open).

Here are two shots to demonstrate this technique - one with a bare lens and the other with the hearted hood. see more shots here and here (I leave it as an exercise to tell which is which :)

heart bokehregular bokeh

Here are the parameters for the example shown above:

  • Lens - Canon 50mm F1.8
  • "Lens hood" Diameter: 70mm (2.75 inch)
  • Hole diameter: 15mm (0.6inch)

Here are two more great examples for this technique from RottieLover (note - there only one "real" heart in each picture):

heart shape Bokeh 01

heart shape Bokeh 02

Do you have a cool bokeh? show off on the comments or on the flickr group.

This article was contributed by Karsten Stroemvig (aka Lullaby), see his other great photograph projects, or browse through our readers projects section.

Make sure you don't miss out on the next article - Register to the RSS feed or the newsletter.

Sunday, November 22, 2009





Saturday, November 21, 2009




in reference to:

- » 你瞧瞧人家广告做的,再瞧瞧侯耀华广告做的 (view on Google Sidewiki)

R trick to get column max

Learned from an email thread. This is the kind of problem you'll never think about if you are a student using R. Suppose you have a k by n matrix, say x, where k is small but n is huge (say 1,000,000), and you want to get the maximum in each column, that is, n different values.

The naive way of apply(x, 2, max) takes forever to complete.

The new trick I learned is:

# transpose x and convert to a data.frame
t.x <-
# use with "pmax" and the input matrix
x.max <-"pmax", t.x)

Thursday, November 19, 2009



More in this New York Times Article: Jobless Rate Up in 29 States, Hitting Records in 4 of Them



in reference to:

"某西方国家的商务部长在世界经济论坛上咬牙切齿的说:“与中国的竞争,就是场血淋淋的战争” 你看看下面这些个图,就知道这爷们为啥如此的怒向刀丛觅小诗了。"
- 真能整 - 奇 小 怪 - 博客大巴 (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

500 Days of Summer

Love this movie, the tunes and those wisdom lines.

Partygoer: So Tom, what is it that you do?
Tom: I uh, I write greeting cards.
Summer: Tom could be a really great architect if he wanted to be.
Partygoer: That's unusual, I mean, what made you go from one to the other?
Tom: I guess I just figured, why make something disposable like a building when you can make something that last forever, like a greeting card.

Tom: What happens when you fall in love?
Summer: You believe in that?
Tom: It's love, it's not Santa Claus.

Rachel Hansen: You know, all my friends love you and think you're great. It's like they say, there's plenty of fish in the sea.
Tom: [Looks at a group of twelve year old girls who wave at him and giggle] Those aren't fish. They're guppies.

Rachel Hansen: Better that you find this out now before you come home and find her in bed with Lars from Norway.
Tom: Who's Lars from Norway?
Rachel Hansen: He's some guy she met at the gym with Brad Pitt's face and Jesus' abs.

Narrator: Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin, and they end, with no lasting memories made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life. May 23rd was a Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Drag the Shutter

Nice explanation: using flash to make shutter speed and exposure independent. Good examples on what the effects look like under different shutter speeds.

A very impressive example adding motion using zoom and dragging the shutter at the end of the article.

in reference to: 03 – dragging the shutter « planet neil – tangents (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Free wifi this holiday

Free wifi at many airports and Virgin America provided by Google, free wifi at Delta provided by eBay, free wifi at New York Time Square provided by Yahoo and free wifi in lots of other airports/hotels provided by Microsoft.

in reference to:

"Google announced Tuesday that it would provide free Wi-Fi access in 47 airports across the country — including Boston, Houston and Seattle — through Jan. 15."
- (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009




相傳世界被妖魔所侵擾,天神下凡降魔。降魔後,大地女神為天神誕下一名兒子-「Naraka Suran」。身為大地女神之子的他卻與邪惡為伍,並強迫百姓不准點燈。天神應百姓所求,與Naraka Suran展開正邪大戰。Naraka Suran死後,人民點燈慶祝。


Saturday, October 24, 2009


in reference to:
- 转帖 - 开心网 (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

First Verizon Droid Commertial

Love it!


in reference to:
- 用食物来创造艺术!——老婆,咱搬家吧? - 有意思吧 (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kaifu's new office

is quite empty now, but they have lots of tea!

in reference to:

"There’s so much tea, in fact, he insisted on my taking a tin."
- Why Kai-Fu Lee Turned Down Steve Jobs (And Is Still Cool with That) (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Love this quote

As long as you know the limitations of your equipment, and how to overcome them, it is possible to take gorgeous photographs, even if you don’t have a fortune to spend on your gear.

in reference to:

"Saying a camera takes nice pictures is like saying a guitar plays nice melodies."
- Saying a Camera takes Nice Pictures is like Saying a Guitar Plays Nice Melodies (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, October 10, 2009




in reference to:
- 转帖 - 开心网 (view on Google Sidewiki)

Excellent thread on 50mm prime shots

Lots of great example shots with 50mm prime lens. Strongly recommend reading (images sourced from this dps post).


in reference to: 50mm Prime only challenge thread (view on Google Sidewiki)

Found a nice stone wall

Shot on SF street. The middle thing looks like a beard old man :p

p.s. Thought side wiki is easier than copy and paste to post on blogger.
in reference to: Stone Wall on Flickr - Photo Sharing! (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, October 9, 2009

I thought wave is more difficult to understand

and turned out that people are more confused about Obama's nobel prize...

in reference to: Google Wave Is Easier To Understand Than… (view on Google Sidewiki)



in reference to:

- 网络英文,难念的经 | 可能吧 (view on Google Sidewiki)

Pictures of PKU

Strongly recommend (image source from 王放)

in reference to:
- 北大的秘密 - Windows Live (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009




Monday, October 5, 2009





Sunday, September 27, 2009

Crop the pictures


画画是一笔一笔把白纸变复杂,而照相却经常会有太多的内容需要去一点点切割。当然,一开始就计划好构图自然是好,不过有时候却由于种种原因不得不切割。譬如,照个花花草草,没钱淘个macro镜头,也没有折腾reverse ring,就用普通镜头照的总是范围太大,crop一下就好了。




Saturday, September 26, 2009

Some good photography resources

Just to keep a bookmark of a good photography resource list.
in reference to:
"National Geographic – Photo Tips
Popular Photo – How To
Shutterbug – Techniques If you pick up a copy of the August issue you’ll find an advertisement I’m in.
Rangerfinder – RFTV
Digital Photo Pro – Techniques
Photofles Lighting School
Canon Learning Center
Olympus – Photo Lessons
Adoram Photo Learning Center"
- 10 (+1) Great Online Resources for Great Photography Advice | Gizmotastic (view on Google Sidewiki)

Inspiring article of shooting in the day

Traditional tips say: never shoot in the middle of the day, and even if you do, shoot in the shade. Then I saw a interesting article on how mid-day shadows emphasis texture on DPS, and later, I saw this great article.

It's about shooting portrait using natural light, with lots of great examples. Key summaries:

1. Be creative and look for interesting shadows and shapes, practice and shoot tons of them.
2. Put light in the back of the object to prevent blinks, and make it more natural.
3. Use silver reflectors to reclaim some details in the background (well, prob this tip is not for me right now).
in reference to: Shooting with Available Light - Lifestyle Portraiture (view on Google Sidewiki)

So complicated

The relationship between ISO and sensitivity is so complicated, that I totally don't know what the author is talking about. Key points from the article:

1. Digital sensors convert light into electrical charge in a linear fashion (I thought it was log before), which is different from human eye.

2. ISO is a combination of the sensor's physical sensitivity and the tone function to convert the signal, and maybe the metering.

3. There are many ways to define ISO, and it is possible each camera manufacture has its own definition.
in reference to: Sense and Sensitivity: Editorial blog: Digital Photography Review (view on Google Sidewiki)

Random Shots of San Francisco










