Saturday, June 28, 2008


WALL-E, 又一个Pixar的经典之作。不得不承认Pixar的创意是层出不穷啊,最近N部片子基本上都是完全不同的风格,不像某些制作室只会一个劲地压榨续集知道同一风格做到不再赚钱为止。

当时看trailer的时候还只觉得一般,之前网上leak出来WALL-E被弹出主站的小飞船自爆那段也就觉得制作精良,看完全片之后才发现基本上没啥可以挑剔的:要主题有主题,要细节有细节,要煽情有煽情……唯一可惜的是没有加个啥post scenery短片,虽然出字幕的时候那些小节也还不错:)

Pixar和苹果的联系还是蛮大的,且不说剧中那个iPod“广告”,连WALL-E重启都是苹果开机的声音,以及最后acknowledgement里面第一个就是Steve Jobs。据说EVE的原型还是2005年设计大师Jonathan Ive一起合作设计的。


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Firefox 3

Today is the firefox 3 downloading day, and the mozilla guys are trying to reach a "record"! Congrats to the firefox team, and they really made a good job in delivering the world's best browser.

I've changed my default browser from safari to FF3. A few notes:

  1. The mac theme plugin is updated, see GrApple Yummy from Aronnax.
  2. The general keyboard and mouse shortcut are here. Well, I need to change my safari habits now, until they release the "New Safari with Squirrels" in Snow Leopard... or maybe FF4 is coming out then.
  3. It is very easy to set up keyboard shortcuts to your favorite sites, which is actually better than the command+number shortcut in Safari, or this FF plugin. Even better, now the keyboard shortcut sets Cmd+Number to switch between tabs!
  4. If you want "in-browser" pdf viewing support, as in safari, check this plugin from google codes in FF3.
  5. It seems snappier and use less memory than safari!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Enable Wireless Time Machine

In leopard, the wireless time machine was disabled by default, except time capsule. Here is the command in terminal to enable it.

defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1